How to Dropship from Amazon to eBay Successfully

Have you ever wished you could tap into Amazon’s massive selection of products to sell online, without having to deal with storing inventory or shipping items yourself?

Well, Amazon to eBay dropshipping makes this possible. This guide will walk you through How to Dropship from Amazon to eBay Successfully.

This business model lets you enjoy all the upside of e-commerce, without as much of the hard work.

By leveraging Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program, you simply list items for sale on eBay that are already stored in Amazon’s warehouses. When an order comes in, Amazon packs and ships the item for you.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get your own Amazon to eBay dropshipping business off the ground. You’ll learn:

  • How the Amazon to eBay dropshipping model works
  • The major benefits of this business
  • Common challenges to be aware of
  • Tips for finding profitable products to sell
  • Setting up your Amazon and eBay accounts properly
  • Automation solutions to simplify operations
  • Providing stellar customer service

So if you want to tap into a hands-off business model that lets you capitalize on Amazon’s e-commerce dominance, while enjoying the high margins and reach of selling on eBay, this guide is for you. 

Let’s get started.

Article Contents

What is Dropshipping and How Does the Amazon to eBay Model Work?

Dropshipping is an e-commerce fulfillment method that allows online sellers to list and sell products without ever stocking inventory.

Instead, when a dropshipping retailer receives an order, they forward it along to a third-party supplier or manufacturer, who then ships the item directly to the customer.

This cuts out all the hassle of storing items yourself or dealing with packing and shipping.

Amazon to eBay dropshipping simply leverages Amazon’s massive fulfillment network as the supplier in this equation.

As an Amazon seller, you list products that are already stocked in Amazon’s warehouses and enrolled in their Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program.

This means Amazon stores the items, packs them when ordered, and ships them out quickly with Prime delivery speeds.

Then, you market and list those same e-commerce products for sale on your eBay store. When a customer places an order through your eBay listing, you simply purchase the item on Amazon as normal.

Amazon fulfills the order and sends it to your eBay buyer, with no need for you to ever touch the product.

Here is the full order fulfillment sequence in 5 simple steps:

  • Customer places an order in your eBay store
  • You purchase an item from your Amazon seller account to initiate fulfillment
  • Amazon packages products + ships them directly to eBay customers via FBA
  • The customer receives an order with 2-day Prime shipping
  • You keep the profit margin between Amazon and eBay pricing

So in essence, you act as an e-commerce middleman capitalizing on the price spread, while Amazon handles the item storage, order processing, and shipping for you.

This allows you to scale your eBay store exponentially while keeping operations streamlined.

Some key pointers around inventory:

  • Only sell products actively stocked in Amazon’s FBA network
  • Carefully monitor inventory levels on both accounts
  • Let Amazon’s vast infrastructure do the heavy lifting
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Now that you understand the inner workings of Amazon to eBay dropshipping, let’s dive into some of the major benefits and common challenges of this business model.

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Benefits of Amazon to eBay Dropshipping

Dropshipping Amazon items on eBay comes with a number of compelling benefits that make this a highly appealing online business model, including:

Low Initial Investment 

Since you don’t have to buy and hold product inventory, Amazon dropshipping has very low startup costs. No need to risk thousands of dollars in upfront inventory purchases.

High-Profit Potential 

Capitalizing on Amazon’s wholesale pricing paired with eBay’s massive customer reach opens the door for healthy profit margins on each sale. With some savvy optimization, this spread can translate to big returns.

Access to Broad Selection 

Why restrict yourself to wholesalers with limited product catalogs? With Amazon, you can potentially access and sell millions of unique items across virtually every category imaginable.

Minimal Day-to-Day Work 

You get to focus on sales, marketing, and growth rather than manual order processing and fulfillment work, which Amazon handles for you behind the scenes.

Prime Shipping = Happy Customers 

eBay buyers love fast, free shipping. Piggybacking on Amazon Prime’s speed and reliability is fantastic for customer satisfaction and review scores.

Leverage Amazon’s Brand Power 

List products that already have Amazon’s brand credibility and reviews behind them, powering conversion rates on eBay. Customers trust buying Amazon items.

As you can see, Amazon to eBay dropshipping checks a lot of e-commerce business model boxes. But it’s not without its challenges, which we’ll explore next.

Challenges of Amazon to eBay Dropshipping

While Amazon to eBay dropshipping comes with some great advantages, there are also notable challenges involved that you need to understand:

Strict Account Oversight 

Both Amazon and eBay heavily scrutinize account activity involving order fulfillment. As dropshippers, you need to take steps to avoid suspensions. These can ruin your business overnight.

Limited Inventory Visibility 

You rely entirely on Amazon stock levels, returns policies, and updates. Any FBA inventory that runs out, gets lost or runs into brand restrictions can blow up an eBay sale.

Thin Margins on Some Items 

Competitive pricing on Amazon combined with eBay fees can squeeze margins on lower-priced items. Focus on products >$45 to maximize profit potential per order.

High Competition on eBay 

Successfully competing in the eBay marketplace takes work. From SEO optimization to marketing and promotions, it’s not a cakewalk driving conversions and sales.

Synchronizing Accounts

Manually matching inventory quantities and order statuses across separate Amazon seller and eBay store accounts takes heavy lifting. Automation rules here.

Shipping Delays or Issues

Despite Prime’s 2-day delivery, hiccups can happen. This forces you into the frustrating position of contacting Amazon customer support to resolve problems that impact your customers.

Unpredictable Returns Volume

Amazon’s liberal return policies mean you may encounter more returns handling than selling through other channels. Budgeting for this accordingly is key.

Accounting Overhead

With running an eBay store, buying inventory from an Amazon account, and managing sales tax across platforms, keeping your books straight is critical but challenging.

The takeaway is that with the right preparations, knowledge, and tools, these hurdles can be cleared. But it’s far from a passive, “easy money” situation. Hard work and diligence are required to succeed over the long haul.

Finding Profitable Products for Dropship

Discovering the right products to sell represents one of the most important pieces for running a sustainable Amazon to eBay dropshipping operation.

But with Amazon’s massive catalog size, how can you efficiently pinpoint profitable products?

Here are key tactics for finding hot items that check the boxes:

Perform Keyword and Demand Research

Leverage Google and eBay pulse tools to identify:

  • Trending search terms and phrases
  • Monthly search volumes and demand
  • Related queries and long-tail variations

This data helps steer you towards listings buyers actively seek out.

Analyze Amazon Best Sellers Data

Amazon conveniently shows:

  • Overall site-wide best-selling items
  • Category-specific current top sellers
  • Historical hourly updated reports

If something sells extremely well on Amazon already, it will likely also attract buyers on eBay.

Check eBay Completed Listings

Study closed/sold listings in your product category for:

  • Hot sellers with steady sales velocity
  • Items commanding higher sales prices
  • Brands and specific product variants attracting bids

This reveals additional confirmation of profitable items.

Select Lightweight Products

Favor small or lightweight goods to:

  • Maximize profit margins
  • Minimize Amazon shipping costs
  • Ensure Prime eligibility for 2-day delivery

Avoid Gated Categories

Steer clear of Amazon gated categories like:

  • Beauty
  • Grocery
  • Jewelry
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Getting ungated takes months. Focus on accessible markets first.

Use Multi-Channel Automation Tools

Platforms like Ecomdash include built-in product libraries analyzing:

  • Profitability scoring
  • Sales volume data
  • Competitor analytics

Leveraging this intelligence fast-tracks identifying winners.

With the right research approach and data sources, locating those golden products primed for eBay’s selling success becomes much easier.

Setting Up Your Accounts Properly

Carefully structuring both your Amazon seller account as well as your eBay store represents a critical foundation for smoothly running your Amazon to eBay dropshipping operation.

Here are some best practices to follow:

Separate Buying and Selling Accounts

Maintain distinct accounts for:

  • Purchasing inventory on Amazon
  • Listing/selling products on eBay

Keeping these isolated aids order tracking and helps avoid account flagging.

Provide Valid Tax Information

Have clean tax details associated with both accounts to dodge issues when sales volumes rise. This includes things like:

  • Verified business EIN
  • State sales tax permits
  • Exemption certificate storage

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Add an extra account access security layer by enabling 2FA options like SMS text verification. This boosts protection against unauthorized access.

Integrate Accounting Software

Import your financial data into accounting tools like QuickBooks or Xero for transparent financial reporting. Tie eBay sales, Amazon purchases, fees, and taxes together to simplify taxes.

Consider a Separate Checking Account

While not strictly mandatory, using a unique business checking account does help segregate your company finances from personal spending. This aids year-end financial reconciliation and reporting.

With the critical account groundwork laid properly from the start, you empower yourself to sidestep painful snags down the road.

Listing Your Amazon Items on eBay

Carefully listing your Amazon-sourced products for sale on eBay constitutes the next integral pillar within your burgeoning dropshipping empire.

Let’s explore tips for creating listings poised to convert browsers into happy customers:

Choose Captivating Titles

Your eBay listing title represents prime real estate for communicating the product’s compelling benefits, key features, and attributes. Get creative and highlight the most relevant selling points first to capture attention.

Write Robust Descriptions

Allocate ample space to delve into all the possible uses, applications, and value propositions around the product. Include detailed specs, sizing information, technical illustrations, or graphs to showcase capabilities.

Photography Best Practices

Pictures sell. Reuse Amazon images, but consider cleaning up backgrounds, adding extra angles, or zooming in on key details. Images must accurately depict items to avoid returns.

Set Competitive Pricing

Research other seller prices for identical or comparable items. Price equally or slightly under the average going rate. This maximizes appeal while retaining healthy margins.

Highlight Shipping Efficiency

Proactively call out Prime 2-day shipping and free returns eligibility to increase trust and conversion rates. Quick fulfillment gives you a leg up.

Update Quantities

Closely monitor both accounts to match eBay-listed quantities to live Amazon FBA levels. Overselling leads to cancelations and account dings.

Check these listing best practices off the list, and your eBay product pages will be primed for selling success.

Leveraging Amazon FBA for Simplicity

One of the best ways to streamline your Amazon to eBay dropshipping operations is to strategically leverage Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program. Here’s how it dramatically simplifies order processing:

Automates Packaging and Shipping 

By enrolling items in FBA, Amazon handles storage, picking & packing products once an order comes in. They deliver using Prime speed straight to your customer’s doorstep.

Elevates Buyer Trust 

eBay purchasers gain confidence from buying FBA items fulfilled directly from a brand they already know and trust – Amazon. This accelerates conversions.

Access to an Expanded Product Range 

Any eligible items can enroll in FBA, massively multiplying your potential product selection beyond just Prime-eligible goods. Whole new dropshipping worlds open up.

Fewer Account Restrictions 

Amazon applies far less selling account scrutiny to mainly FBA items. This helps you maintain good standing and avoid nasty suspensions.

Consistent Prime Delivery Times 

For domestic orders, FBA items reliably ship with Prime’s fast 2-day delivery windows, keeping eBay customers satisfied. Bad or uneven shipping erodes trust.

Lower Chance of Errors 

Automation around order routing, confirmation, picking and shipping means fewer manual touch-points. This equates to reduced human errors all around.

Taking full advantage of Fulfilled by Amazon sets your business up for maximum success and growth velocity.

Automating with Multi-Channel Platforms

Trying to manually synchronize and monitor product listings, inventory levels, orders, and shipments across separate Amazon Seller Central and eBay accounts is a recipe for disaster. Instead, rely on automation solutions to seamlessly unite the two:

Multi-Channel Commerce Platforms

Specialized tools like Ecomdash, Zentail, and SolidCommerce directly integrate with both marketplaces via API. This enables key capabilities like:

  • Central dashboard tying data together
  • 1-click order syncing between accounts
  • Automatic inventory quantity matching
  • Shared customer and shipment tracking
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Inventory and Order Management

These platforms automatically push and pull orders, shipments, and returns data between accounts. For FBA orders, when an eBay sale is processed, the appropriate Amazon-fulfilled unit is automatically designated to ship.

Listing Management and Creation

Bulk listing templates allow effortlessly replicating Amazon offerings across eBay. Images, titles, descriptions and more instantly copy over while allowing market-specific customization.

Repricing and Competitor Analysis

Specialized repricing tools ensure your eBay listings remain competitively priced against other sellers. Competitor price tracking aids profitable undercutting.

Analytics and Reporting

Robust sales analytics, drill-downs, and custom reports help assess item profitability, shipping performance, returns, and more across integrated accounts.

Bottom line – properly leveraging multi-channel automation paves the road for efficiently scaling your eBay dropshipping empire.

Optimizing Your eBay Store

Creating an optimized eBay store provides a fantastic opportunity to strengthen your branding, improve visibility, and establish credibility with potential buyers.

Here are some top tips for enhancing your eBay storefront:

Add an Eye-Catching Banner

Include a custom 1100×200 pixel banner conveying your brand persona. This makes a strong first impression visiting customers will remember.

Curate Store Categories

Organize all your products into logical frontend categories and collections to improve navigation and on-site discovery. Add descriptions for each department.

Share Shipping and Returns Info

Prominently display your shipping rates, delivery speed commitment, and returns policy upfront to reduce purchase friction and cart abandonment.

Feature Best Sellers

Dynamically display trending popular products right on the homepage to tap into momentum and spur impulse purchases. Social proof sells.

Blog and Add Rich Content

Expand on product descriptions with tutorial articles, customer testimonials, and video reviews bringing your offerings to life. Search engines also love unique content.

Promote Your Store

Run external ads driving visitors directly to your storefront rather than individual listings. Encourage browsing your merchant brand.

An optimized eBay store fuels the fire for repeat business and exponential sales growth.

Providing Excellent Customer Service

Delivering exceptional customer service represents a key ingredient in fueling repeat eBay sales and cultivating longer-term consumer loyalty. Follow these guidelines:

Respond Quickly – Answer inquiries within 24 hours, and resolve issues ASAP. This prevents frustration and negative reviews.

Meet Expectations – Ship items fast with Prime delivery. Provide order updates if delays arise.

Handle Returns Gracefully – Make the returns process smooth by providing prepaid shipping labels and refunding promptly once items are received back.

Ask for Reviews – Solicit positive feedback with a polite request once the customer has received their order. This helps secure future sales.

Go Above And Beyond – From handwritten thank you notes to surprise product upgrades, wow customers whenever feasible. Word gets around.

The extra effort required to over-deliver customer service always pays dividends.


When executed strategically, Amazon to eBay dropshipping represents a compelling hands-off e-commerce model that gets you selling online quickly.

Utilizing Amazon’s immense fulfillment infrastructure and pairing it with eBay’s vast market reach sets the stage for serious profit potential.

However, managing the underlying complexity across accounts requires diligence. With proper optimization and automation, motivated sellers willing to address the risks can build an impressive brand and passive income stream over time. The opportunity is certainly there.

I hope you found the concepts and guidelines presented in this guide helpful. Best of luck pursuing your dropshipping success.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Dropship from Amazon to eBay Successfully

What are some tips for getting started with Amazon to eBay dropshipping?

Some tips include researching profitable niche markets, ensuring you have adequate capital for the business, setting up separate selling accounts, utilizing automation tools, and focusing on highly rated FBA items. Move slowly and scale things up over time by reinvesting revenue.

What metrics are most important for measuring success?

Key metrics include sales volume, net profit margins, average order value, listings to sales conversion rate, outbound shipping times, product return rate, eBay store traffic, and percentage of repeat customers. Tracking these helps gauge ongoing business health.

How can I differentiate my eBay listings from competitors?

Ways to stand out include unique titles/descriptions, expanded product specs using supplier data, professional custom images, bundled bonus offerings, promotions/sales pricing, strong guarantees, and warranties. Fast shipping also helps listings convert better.

What is the best customer service approach?

Respond to all inquiries within 12-24 hours, ship items quickly using Prime delivery, send order status updates proactively, make returns and refunds hassle-free, and ask for feedback and product reviews from happy customers. Surprise occasional upgrades show them you care.

I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the article How to Dropship from Amazon to eBay Successfully. Keep visiting.

Hello, I’m Samuel, and I’ve been in the dropshipping business for the past 9 years. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of helping many novice dropshippers grow their businesses. Based on my experience, I’ve launched this blog to share my insights and knowledge with the dropshipper community.

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