Why Is It Necessary For Companies To Reengineer Their E-Commerce Web Sites For M-Commerce

Mobile commerce (m-commerce) has exploded in recent years, quickly surpassing traditional e-commerce in terms of market share and consumer preference.

As mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have become ubiquitous worldwide, more and more shopping and buying is happening on these small screens rather than on desktop computers.

This monumental shift in consumer behavior requires companies to re-think and reengineer their e-commerce sites and apps specifically for the mobile experience.

There are compelling reasons why it is necessary for companies to reengineer their e-commerce web sites for m-commerce.

Let’s have a straightforward answer first.

Why Is It Necessary For Companies To Reengineer Their E-Commerce Web Sites For M-Commerce

Why Is It Necessary For Companies To Reengineer Their E-Commerce Web Sites For M-Commerce

Companies must urgently reengineer their e-commerce sites for mobile because mobile usage now exceeds desktop for online shopping.

To optimize for m-commerce, companies need to simplify navigation, accelerate load speeds, streamline checkout with minimal fields/clicks, and leverage push notifications and app integration for advanced mobile engagement.

Those who fail to adapt their sites for the mobile revolution will quickly lose customers to competing brands who do. The importance is clear – optimize for mobile now or risk becoming irrelevant.

Key Takeaways: Why Is It Necessary For Companies To Reengineer Their E-Commerce Web Sites For M-Commerce

  • Mobile usage now exceeds desktop usage for shopping and buying online.
  • Mobile sites and apps must be extremely fast, easy to navigate, and designed for the constraints of smaller screens.
  • Checkout on mobile must be as seamless and secure as possible, minimizing fields and clicks.
  • Mobile engagement through push notifications and tight app integration is key to retention and repeat purchases.
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The Mobile Revolution

Mobile devices have completely disrupted shopping and commerce. Staggering statistics show that mobile purchases now drive over 60% of all e-commerce transactions and nearly 75% of internet users worldwide connect via mobile.

With smartphones in hand 24/7, consumers have a perennial shopping companion and habitually turn to their mobile screens first to browse, compare, review, and buy products.

Mobile allows for shopping anywhere, anytime in those micro-moments of need and impulse. Whether on the commute, in line, before bed, or while watching TV, mobile has become the preferred device for product research and purchasing.

For digital retailers, optimizing for mobile users is now an absolute necessity, not just a nice-to-have.

The mobile revolution is here to stay and will only intensify with 5G speeds and the continued proliferation of devices.

Optimizing Sites for Mobile Users

Most e-commerce sites built for desktop computers translate poorly to small mobile screens. They are cluttered, hard to navigate, have tiny text, and load slowly.

This leads to incredibly high abandonment rates on mobile versus desktop. Optimizing sites for the mobile experience requires thoughtful streamlining of site architecture and content.

Speed is critical – shaving seconds off mobile load times can drastically reduce bounce rates. Everything needs to be simplified, focusing on the most important navigation links, product information, and calls-to-action.

Having a responsive design that adapts seamlessly across multiple device sizes is also a must.

Sites should be thoroughly tested on both mobile web and in-app experiences to remove all friction points and deliver an intuitive, user-friendly mobile experience.

  • Simplify navigation – Only include the most essential nav links
  • Streamline content – Cut unnecessary text/images to spotlight key info
  • Responsive design – Ensure seamless experience across devices
  • Load speed – Optimize pages and assets to load lightning-fast
  • Prominent CTAs – Make key action buttons visible and easy to tap
  • Testing – Rigorously test mobile UX to fix issues pre-launch
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Frictionless Mobile Checkout

The checkout process is one of the biggest pain points and sources of abandonment on mobile e-commerce.

Typing on small keyboards is tedious and filling out lengthy checkout forms is especially onerous.

That’s why minimizing clicks and data entry is critical for mobile checkout. Enabling easy 1-click checkout for returning users helps drive more sales.

For new customers, using capabilities like autofill and digital wallets reduces friction. Allowing guest checkout removes the additional hurdle of account creation before purchasing.

Progressive disclosure approaches display as little information as possible upfront and reveal additional fields only as required.

The fewer customers have to type and tap during mobile checkout, the more likely the transaction is to be completed.

  • Guest checkout – Eliminate forced account sign-up before buying
  • 1-click checkout – Offer express checkout for returning users
  • Digital wallets – Integrate Apple/Google/PayPal for easy mobile payment
  • Autofill – Use automatically populated customer and payment data
  • Progressive disclosure – Only show essential fields first, add others conditionally
  • Payment options – Accept major credit cards, Apple/Google Pay, etc.

Advanced Mobile Engagement

Sophisticated e-commerce brands are leveraging mobile capabilities to re-engage customers and drive repeat purchases through push notifications, abandoned cart reminders, personalized offers, and integration with native mobile apps.

Location-based notifications when a user is near a store prompt purchases. App users can be nurtured with special surprises and discounts.

Push notifications tempt users to return based on past purchases and wishlists. When someone abandons a cart, they can be sent reminders to complete the purchase along with incentives.

Mobile provides a wealth of real-time data to tailor engagement strategies that convert window shoppers into loyal buyers.

  • Push notifications – Send timely, relevant offers and content
  • Cart abandonment – Remind users to complete the purchase
  • Personalization – Customize offers based on purchase history
  • Location targeting – Notify when the user is near the store location
  • App integration – Unlock exclusive perks for app users
  • Surprise incentives – Delight with unexpected discounts, gifts
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Mobile commerce is clearly dominating as the preferred platform for online shopping and buying.

Smart brands seeking to stay competitive and satisfy modern customers must urgently reimagine their sites as mobile-first. Supercharging mobile speed, simplifying navigation, frictionless checkout, and advanced engagement strategies are the cost of entry to m-commerce success today.

Companies who fail to adapt to the mobile revolution risk losing customers to those who do. The time to optimize for mobile is now.

FAQs on Why Is It Necessary For Companies To Reengineer Their E-Commerce Web Sites For M-Commerce

Q: Why is mobile optimization urgent for e-commerce sites?

A: Mobile purchases now account for over 60% of online transactions. Failing to optimize for mobile means losing the majority of potential customers.

Q: How can companies test mobile site performance before launch?

A: Use emulators and simulated throttling to validate speed. Distribute prototypes to beta testers using various devices. Observe user behavior through app analytics and heatmaps.

Q: What are some quick wins for improving mobile UX?

A: Simplify navigation, accelerate load speed, prominently size CTAs, allow guest checkout, and enable 1-click purchasing.

Q: How can push notifications be used effectively?

A: Segment users and tailor notifications based on past behaviors and intent. Personalize with cart reminders, location-based prompts, and surprise offers.

Q: Should companies build a native app or responsive mobile web?

A: Start with responsive web then build a native app for power users. Apps allow tighter integration and exclusive features to drive loyalty.

Q: How can companies gauge the success of mobile optimizations?

A: Monitor metrics like mobile conversation rate, bounce rate, pages/session, and cart abandonment rate before and after changes.That concludes the article Why Is It Necessary For Companies To Reengineer Their E-Commerce Web Sites For M-Commerce. I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for visiting.

Hello, I’m Samuel, and I’ve been in the dropshipping business for the past 9 years. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of helping many novice dropshippers grow their businesses. Based on my experience, I’ve launched this blog to share my insights and knowledge with the dropshipper community.

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