Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It? Complete Guide

Hey there. Are you sitting on the question “Are Pre Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It?” and considering taking the easy route by buying a pre-built dropshipping store to launch your e-commerce business?

I can understand building a store from scratch sounds complicated and time-consuming. “A ready-made store you can plug and play” is super exciting.

But hold on. Pre-built dropshipping stores aren’t always a perfect solution. There are some definite pros and cons you need to weigh before making this big purchase. It’s a tricky decision.

That’s why I put together this complete guide to walk you through everything you need to know about turnkey dropshipping sites. I’ll break down all the key factors like:

  • The benefits of buying a pre-made store.
  • The potential pitfalls to watch out for.
  • How to pick a high-quality store.
  • The best places to purchase.
  • Real-life stories of people who took the pre-built route.

By the end, you’ll have all the information you need to decide if a ready-made dropshipping store is the right move for your business.

Let’s dive in.

Article Contents

Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It? – Quick Reply

Pre-built dropshipping stores can provide a faster, easier way to launch an e-commerce business than building from scratch. The convenience and setup time they save are major advantages.

However, costs are often high, quality can be low, and customization is limited. Thoroughly researching sellers and stores is crucial to avoid scams and generic sites.

While pre-built stores can work, hands-on experience in building your own store has significant long-term value. Weigh time vs money, evaluate quality and credibility, and understand limitations before buying.

For the right person, pre-built stores are worthwhile, but building your own store is often a smarter long-term investment.

Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It

Pros of buying a pre-built dropshipping store

Alright, let’s start with the good stuff. Benefits buying a ready-made dropshipping store can offer. I know you’re excited by the convenience so these advantages might sound pretty sweet.

It Saves You Time and Effort

The first reason to buy a pre-built dropshipping store is the huge time savings. Setting up a store from scratch takes work. You have to come up with product ideas, find suppliers, design the site, configure payment settings and the list goes on.

With a turnkey store, it’s all done for you already. You can skip ahead right to the marketing and selling part. A nice shortcut, right?

You Don’t Need Technical Know-How

Building an amazing online store requires some web design and development skills. If you’re not tech-savvy, it can be a major barrier.

Lucky for you, buying pre-built dropshipping sites means you don’t need those technical abilities. The person selling the store has already handled the coding, setup, and integration.

Start Selling ASAP

Have you ever heard the phrase “time is money”? Well, when you buy a pre-built dropshipping business, you can start making money faster.

Rather than wait weeks or months to launch, you could be up and running in days or hours. Just import the products, modify the branding, and open your virtual doors for business.

Customized to Your Needs

Are you worried that a pre-built dropshipping store will be some typical site that doesn’t match your style? Many sellers offer customization options.

You can often choose the theme, request specific product categories, and provide brand guidelines. It’s not totally one-size-fits-all.

Focus Your Energy on Marketing

Here’s the best part. With a turnkey dropshipping site, you can devote your time to attracting buyers and increasing sales.

Rather than concentrating on building the store’s foundation, your only job is to get more traffic and conversions. And that’s how you make the big bucks.

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Cons of buying a pre-built dropshipping store

Alright, we’ve covered all the pros. But before you take out your credit card, let’s talk about the possible downsides of pre-built dropshipping sites.

Beware of Scams

First and foremost, beware of dishonest sellers and dropshipping scams. Unfortunately, some fraudsters prey on the demand for ready-made dropshipping businesses.

Paying a Premium Upfront

Pre-built dropshipping stores come at a premium cost. You’re essentially paying someone else for the time and effort spent setting it up. And I’m talking about hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

Make sure you carefully calculate your potential ROI (Return on Investment) before making this big investment. And have a plan to recover the costs quickly through sales.

Cookie Cutter Sites

Many turnkey dropshipping sites are generic and copied templates. It can be tough to stand out from the competitors with an unoriginal store that lacks your personal touch and style.

Having a unique brand identity and style is important. Don’t lose that individuality with a typical turnkey dropshipping site.

Skipped Learning Curve

When you skip building a store yourself, you miss out on gaining super valuable hands-on experience.

Troubleshooting setup issues, figuring out shipping logistics, talking to suppliers – this know-how helps you improve over time.

Relying on a ready-made setup means less first-hand knowledge about the inner workings of your e-commerce business.

Ongoing Fees

Watch out for recurring monthly or annual fees on top of your initial purchase cost. Some pre-made store sellers charge you just for maintaining access to their platform or suppliers.

Additional fees can quickly eat your profits. Make sure you understand all the potential ongoing costs before signing up.

Finding a Quality Pre-Built Store

Alright, you’re set on buying a turnkey dropshipping site. Now let’s make sure you select a legit, high-value store.

Here are the key factors to evaluate:

Verify the Seller’s Reputation

This is crucial. Make sure the platform and seller have plenty of positive reviews and feedback.

Ask for referrals and reach out to past customers if possible. Dig into forums and social media to uncover any red flags.

You’re making a big investment. Take the time to validate the seller’s credibility properly.

Ensure the Site is High-Quality

Don’t settle for some fragile, cookie-cutter site. The platform, design, and features should be top-notch.

Make sure the store is built with a reputable e-commerce platform like Shopify. Test the checkout process and product pages.

Also, check the store works flawlessly on mobile. Most traffic is from smartphones nowadays.

Look for a Wide Selection of Products

A key benefit of pre-built dropshipping stores is getting product sourcing done for you. But you want good products with strong profit potential.

Scan the item selection. Are they competitive quality with enough variety? Will the products appeal to your target audience?

Review Customization Options

It’s good to add your own touch or style to the store. See what kind of customization the seller provides.

Can you adjust the theme and design? Add your logo and branding. Choose specific product categories.

Even small changes like colors and images go a long way to making a premade dropshipping site feel like your own.

Evaluate Growth Potential

Don’t just look at the store’s starting point. Consider future growth opportunities too.

See, Is it aimed at SEO and content marketing? How much can you expand the product catalog over time? Will you outgrow the platform?

Pick a store positioned to scale up and evolve as your business grows. This ensures a smart long-term investment.

Understand Support Options

Things will go wrong at some point – they always do. Make sure your seller provides responsive, hands-on support.

You want to help resolve technical glitches, supplier issues, marketing questions, and any other roadblocks quickly. Don’t buy a turnkey dropshipping business without solid support options.

Top places to buy pre-built dropshipping stores

Now that you know what to look for in a turnkey dropshipping business, let’s explore some top platforms to buy from.

I’ll break down the key facts on each marketplace to help you find the best fit. Shop away.

Empire Flippers

Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It

  • Well-established marketplace with strict vetting of sellers.
  • Higher-end businesses listed – be prepared to invest more.
  • Detailed sales data was provided for transparency.
  • Experienced brokers facilitate every transaction.
  • Downsides: High fees, highly competitive popular listings.

Bottom Line: This is a great option with a trustworthy reputation, but come prepared for a premium price tag.


Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It

  • Massive product selection with competitive pricing.
  • Built-in tools for order processing and inventory syncing.
  • Launch a built-to-order store in 1 day.
  • Monthly subscription fees are required to maintain access.
  • Mostly low-ticket, lower-quality product selection.

Bottom Line: Helpful for easily expanding product range, but ongoing fees and product limitations.


  • Curated product list of best-selling items.
  • Free trial import of up to 50 products.
  • Seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce stores.
  • Very limited customization options.
  • Copycat site designs.

Bottom Line: Provides a quick way to source winning products if you use WooCommerce.


Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It

  • 24-hour store setup with custom branding.
  • Direct supplier integrations for quick product import.
  • Built-in support via Facebook/WhatsApp.
  • Cookie-cutter site designs.
  • Slow support for issues after initial setup.

Bottom Line: Speedy branding and launch but potential user experience issues long-term.

Dropship Launchpad

  • Completely ready-to-go Shopify stores.
  • Top-selling products, reputable suppliers.
  • Free 3-month trial and lifetime courses.
  • Strong focus on branding and customization.
  • Limited product selection compared to some platforms.

Bottom Line: Turnkey Shopify store with helpful learning resources included.

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Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It

  • Deals are verified and facilitated by an experienced team.
  • Company names not disclosed upfront.
  • Financials are provided to assess businesses.
  • 7-day inspection period after purchase.
  • A smaller selection of stores compared to other platforms.

Bottom Line: Reliable marketplace but fewer dropshipping stores available.


Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It

  • Huge selection of established online businesses.
  • Mixed credibility of sellers.
  • Loads of detailed listings.
  • Resources for valuing businesses.
  • Need to deeply vet each store/seller individually.

Bottom Line: Massive inventory but requires extensive individual validation.

Hope this breakdown helps you zero in on the best dropshipping store marketplace for your needs and budget.

Case Studies: Real-Life Pre-Built Store Successes and Failures

Let’s look at real-world examples of people who leaped pre-built dropshipping stores.

These case studies give you an inside look at the risks, payoffs, and lessons learned from their purchases.

Mike’s Mobile Accessories Store Success

Mike wanted to launch a dropshipping business focused on phone cases and chargers. He didn’t have much spare time while working his 9 to 5 job.

After researching his options, Mike decided to buy a pre-built store from Dropship Launchpad for $299.

The store came loaded with products from proven suppliers, a customized theme to match his brand, and an easy order fulfillment system. After setting everything up in just 4 days, Mike was able to open his (virtual) doors.

In the first 3 weeks, he made over $2000 in sales. By leveraging pre-made marketing materials like emails and social media posts, Mike quickly attracted new customers. In under 2 months, his store was generating $600 per week in profits.

By letting experts handle the initial setup, he was able to focus on running and scaling his business.

Emily’s Frustrating Pre-Built Store Experience

Emily was eager to quit her boring office job and dove into buying a turnkey dropshipping store. She purchased a pet supply store from an online seller she found on Facebook for $499. The listing promised tons of support getting started.

However, Emily immediately ran into issues. The product selection was very limited, and many items were back ordered from suppliers.

The pre-made templates with logos looked like they were made quickly and had spelling mistakes. She tried contacting the seller for help but received no response.

After struggling along for 6 weeks and only making 2 sales, Emily decided to scrap the pre-built store and start fresh. Next time, she’ll be sure to research sellers and stores thoroughly.

She learned that pre-built can save time, but you risk getting an unusable site. Verifying credibility is so important.

These real stories prove pre-built works for some but also highlight the potential frustrations and money loss. Do your homework before buying to maximize your chances of success.

Key considerations before buying a pre-built dropshipping store

We’re nearing the finish line. Let’s recap the most important things to keep in mind when purchasing a turnkey dropshipping site. Following these rules sets you up for success.

Clearly Understand the Limitations

Pre-built dropshipping stores can be amazing time-savers, but they aren’t magic bullets. Be realistic about what they can and can’t provide.

You’ll still need to put in the work of marketing, optimizing processes, and providing great customer service. Understand you’re paying for convenience, not instant prosperity.

Carefully Weigh Costs vs. Benefits

Think critically about what you’re gaining for your money compared to doing it yourself.

Will the time savings justify the upfront investment? How long will it take to recover costs through sales? Get clear on the ROI before spending big.

Thoroughly Validate Sellers

Do NOT skip scrutinizing who you hand your money over to.

Spend time researching sellers, asking for referrals, and checking for red flags. Verify credibility upfront to avoid getting scammed.

Scrutinize Site Quality and Customization

Don’t settle for a poorly constructed pre-built site. Make sure it’s robust, easy to understand, and customizable to your brand.

Test everything out extensively yourself before officially buying.

Ensure the Store Aligns with Your Identity

Part of the dropshipping success comes from establishing a solid brand identity that attracts your ideal audience.

Make sure any pre-built store you purchase allows you to inject your unique style and personality. Don’t lose what makes you stand out.

Step-by-Step Guide to Buying a Turnkey Store

  1. Decide on your dropshipping niche – Choose something specific based on your interests and experience. Get clear on your target audience.
  2. Research top platforms and sellers – Dig into marketplaces and individual sellers with pre-built options. Check for many good reviews or feedback from customers.
  3. Compare offerings in your niche – Look at multiple pre-built store options in your niche. Evaluate costs, products, customization options, and support.
  4. Ask questions and validate credibility – Talk to sellers and existing customers. Verify any claims. Research the seller’s reputation online.
  5. Compare costs and negotiate – Don’t overpay. Politely negotiate. Compare pricing of similar offerings. Get the best deal.
  6. Finalize purchase – When satisfied with the store and seller, pull the trigger. But don’t pay in full until you can thoroughly test the site.

And those are my tips for finding and buying an amazing pre-built dropshipping store that takes your business to the next level.

Legal and Compliance Considerations:

Tax Implications:

  • Provide a concise overview of the potential tax implications related to dropshipping and e-commerce.
  • Emphasize the importance of understanding and fulfilling tax obligations based on the business’s jurisdiction.
  • Consider mentioning the need for proper record-keeping and consulting with a tax professional.
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Business Licenses:

  • Discuss the necessity of obtaining business licenses for an online dropshipping store.
  • Highlight the importance of complying with local regulations and securing any required permits.
  • Advise readers to research and understand the specific licensing requirements in their operating region.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Stress the significance of having clear and comprehensive terms and conditions for the dropshipping store.
  • Explain how well-defined terms can protect both the business owner and customers by setting expectations and guidelines.
  • Encourage customization of terms to suit the specific nature of the dropshipping business.

Customer Privacy:

  • Briefly touch upon the importance of safeguarding customer privacy in the context of dropshipping.
  • Highlight compliance with data protection laws and the significance of transparent privacy policies.
  • Recommend secure practices for handling and storing customer information to build trust with customers.

Conclusion – Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It?

Let’s recap the top lessons on “Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It?”

  • Pre-made stores can save tons of time on setup – but still require work on marketing and optimization. Don’t expect instant, effortless success.
  • Thoroughly examining seller credibility is crucial before buying. Make sure reviews and referrals are checked out to avoid scams.
  • Look for sites with ample customization options to match the store to your brand identity.
  • Understand all the ongoing costs like subscriptions and fees. Make sure potential sales justify the total expenses.
  • Avoid poorly constructed, show-piece store designs that lack personality. You want a memorable, on-brand site.
  • Consider future growth potential – not just how the store looks on day one. Pick a scalable platform.
  • Hands-on experience running your own store is invaluable. Consider learning by starting from scratch.

The bottom line is that pre-built stores can be smart shortcuts but aren’t right for everyone. Carefully weigh the pros, cons, and your specific situation before jumping in.

FAQs – Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It?

Let’s round things out by answering some of the most common questions about pre-built dropshipping stores.

What are the main pros and cons of buying a pre-built store?

Saves significant time and effort on store setup.
Requires no technical expertise.
Start selling products faster.
Offers customization options.
Lets you focus on marketing and scaling.
Risk of low-quality sites or scammers.
Often expensive upfront costs.
Generic, cookie-cutter site designs.
Miss out on hands-on learning experience.
Ongoing fees like subscriptions.

How much do pre-built dropshipping stores cost?

Costs vary greatly depending on the platform, level of customization, and features provided. Some rough figures:
-Basic Shopify store templates: $100 – $300
-Custom branded Shopify stores: $300 – $1,000
-Empire Flippers established sites: $5,000 – $500,000+
Do research to find fair pricing.

What makes a high-quality pre-built store?

Indicators of a robust pre-built store include:
-Reputable platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce.
-Polished, responsive design.
-Smooth, glitch-free user experience.
-Good product selection and inventory.
-Strong customization options.
-Scalability for future growth.
Test everything out yourself before buying to identify any issues.

How can I customize a pre-built store?

Common customization options include:
-Swapping themes or template layouts.
-Adding your own branding like logo and images.
-Changing colors, fonts, and styling.
-Selecting product categories or importing your own catalog.
-Adding unique content and messaging.
Look for sellers that offer flexibility to tailor the site to your brand identity.

What questions should I ask sellers before buying?

Key questions to ask are:
-Do you provide any customization options with purchase?
-What type of ongoing support do you offer?
-Can I see examples of past stores you have built?
-How do you source the products in your stores?
-Will I own full rights to the store content and platform?
-What is your refund/cancellation policy if I’m not satisfied?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Buying can save significant time upfront. But you miss learning opportunities. Evaluate if time or money is more critical when starting out. And consider your existing skills and willingness to learn the ropes before deciding.

How do I spot dropshipping store scams?

Red flags of a scam include:
-Too good-to-be-true claims like “easy overnight success”.
-Requests for upfront payment via odd methods.
-No physical business address or credentials.
-Grammatical errors and typos.
-Negative online reviews and feedback.
-Won’t provide past customer referrals.
Do in-depth research before handing over any money.

What ongoing costs are involved with pre-built stores?

Potential ongoing costs:
-Monthly fees for supplier/platform access
-Commerce platform fees (Shopify’s $29/month for example)
-Theme app or plugin subscriptions
-Transaction fees from payment processors
-Advertising and marketing expenses

Can pre-built stores be successful long-term?

Yes, pre-built stores can absolutely drive long-term success. The key is continuing to reinvest time and effort into:
-Expanding your product catalog.
-Optimizing SEO and promotions.
-Creating engaging content.
-Building your brand identity.
-Providing excellent customer service.
-Adapting to market changes.
A pre-built store is just the starting point. Continuous improvement is vital.

What skills are needed to run a pre-built store?

Essential skills include:
-Marketing: Paid ads, SEO, content creation.
-Financial: Bookkeeping, taxes, accounting.
-Operations: Inventory, order processing, shipping.
-Technical: Troubleshooting, analytics, data.
-Customer Service: Returns, feedback, inquiries.
You don’t need to be an expert in everything, but competence across these areas is important.

That concludes the article “Are Pre-Built Dropshipping Stores Worth It?”. Hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for visiting.

Hello, I’m Samuel, and I’ve been in the dropshipping business for the past 9 years. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of helping many novice dropshippers grow their businesses. Based on my experience, I’ve launched this blog to share my insights and knowledge with the dropshipper community.

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