How to Name Your Dropshipping Store? – Pro Branding Guide

Coming up with the perfect dropshipping store name is one of the most important branding decisions you’ll make when starting your online business.

Your store name needs to resonate with your target audience and clearly convey your unique value proposition.

This article will definitely clear up your confusion about “How to Name Your Dropshipping Store?”.

But with so many factors to consider, naming your dropshipping store can be overwhelming for new entrepreneurs.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the complete process of naming your Dropshipping Store in 6 key steps:

  1. Conduct competitor research.
  2. Define your brand identity.
  3. Brainstorm name ideas.
  4. Evaluate and select your name.
  5. Optimize for voice search.
  6. Secure your name.

Follow this strategic framework and you’ll have an attention-grabbing, memorable domain name that represents your brand story.

I’ll provide tips on:

  • Creating a short, unique name related to your niche.
  • Using name generators to spur ideation.
  • Checking trademarks and testing names with your audience.
  • Registering your domain and claiming social media accounts.

With the right dropshipping store name, you’ll stand out from competitors and make a strong first impression on customers.

Let’s jump in.

How to Name Your Dropshipping Store

How to Name Your Dropshipping Store?

Step 1: Conduct Competitor Research

Before diving into naming your dropshipping store, it pays to scout out the competition first. As the old saying goes – “Know thy enemy.”

Analyzing competitors’ names can provide valuable intel to inspire your own brand identity and help uncover any naming gaps in your niche.

Here are some tips for sleuthing out competitor names:

  • Search on Google for top stores in your niche + “dropshipping” to find relevant competitors.
  • Check out marketplaces like Shopify and Etsy for competitors.
  • Use tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs to find competitors’ rankings for keywords you want to target.
  • Make a list of their names and domain names so you can spot patterns.

As you research, look for:

  • Short, memorable names that are easy to say and spell.
  • Common words or naming conventions in your niche.
  • Opportunities for a unique name that competitors haven’t snapped up yet.
Brand ANicheKeyWordShop.comNiche, keyword
Brand BNicheStore.comNiche

Having an overview of competitor names will get your creative juices flowing and help you identify available naming opportunities. You want a name that stands out from the crowded dropshipping space while clearly conveying your niche.

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Once you’ve analyzed competitors, you’ll be ready to define your unique brand identity.

Step 2: Define Your Brand Identity

Before you start slapping random words together for your dropshipping store name, it’s important to define your brand identity.

Your brand identity encompasses your target audience, product niche, and unique value proposition. Having clarity on these core elements will help guide you toward a name that truly represents your business.

Let’s break it down:

Get Crystal Clear on Your Target Audience

Your target audience is who you are selling to. Defining your ideal customer avatar is crucial for choosing a store name that will appeal to them.

Really get specific here. Details like:

  • DemographicAge, gender, location
  • Psychographic – Values, interests, personality traits
  • Behavior – Where they shop, how they interact with brands

Painting a vivid picture of your ideal customer will help you understand what kind of dropshipping store name will catch their attention.

For example, a jewelry store for teenage girls would tailor its name very differently than a tactical gear store for middle-aged men.

Zone in on Your Niche

Get ultra-focused on the specific products you will sell. This allows you to incorporate relevant keywords into your domain name for that niche.

Ask yourself:

  • What category or subcategory do my products fall into?
  • What are the most common search terms and buying keywords?
  • What terminology and lingo is used in my niche?

Including your niche directly in your business name signals to customers what you sell without them even needing to visit your site.

Spotlight Your Unique Value Prop

Your unique value proposition (UVP) sets you apart from competitors. It could be related to:

  • Price – Most affordable products.
  • Selection – Carrying hard-to-find items.
  • Quality – Strict standards for premium goods.
  • Experience – Exceptional service.

Integrating your UVP into your store name makes it stand out. For example, “BudgetPetSupplies” signals a value-oriented brand.

Once you’ve defined these core elements of your brand identity, you’ll have a strong direction for your naming process. On to the fun part – generating name ideas.

Step 3: Brainstorm Name Ideas

Now for the fun, creative part – brainstorming a stellar name for your dropshipping store.

With your brand identity as a guide, it’s time to let your imagination run wild and generate a master list of potential names.

Here are some strategic tips to get your juices flowing:

Mind Map Relevant Words

Create a mind map to explore words related to your niche, brand identity, and products. Think broadly here – synonyms, features, benefits, category terms – and let the word associations flow.

This helps you identify strong keywords and phrases to incorporate into your dropshipping store name.

Draw Inspiration from Competitors

Look back at the naming patterns you noticed with competitor research. What conventions can you remix or improve upon?

For example, if many competitor names end in “Dropshipping“, you could go with something more unique like “PetNeedsDelivered“.

Use Name Generators

Name generators like Shopify’s Business Name Generator, GoDaddy’s NameGenerator, and LeanDomainSearch can instantly create hundreds of names with your keyword inputs.

Add filters like “.com available” to spot viable domain options. The algorithms help uncover unexpected word combos you may not think of.

Ask Friends To Brainstorm

Get unbiased input by running name ideas past trusted friends and mentors. They may point out connotations you hadn’t considered.

Feedback from others in your target demographic is especially insightful.

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Check a wordbook

If you feel stuck, a thesaurus can offer fresh inspiration. Search for niche-related words and see if any synonyms grab your attention as a store name.

Study Other Brand Names

Look at popular or successful brand names both in your niche and unrelated ones. What do they do well that you could emulate?

Mix and Match Words

Break apart multi-word names into fragments. Recombine them in new ways by blending terms together.

Ex: “Pet” + “Market” = PetMarket

Mindmap Brand Identity Traits

Return to your brand identity brainstorm. Underline descriptive words for your target audience, niche, and UVP – these can spark name ideas.

With a robust list of name options, you’ll have a strong starting point to make your final selection.

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Step 4: Evaluate and Select Your Name

With your trusty list of potential dropshipping store names, it’s time to switch gears into evaluation mode.

Choosing the perfect name from your options comes down to a balanced mix of logic and feeling. Follow this process to make the final call:

Scrutinize Name Length

Keep it short and sweet – ideally 1-3 words. Long or complex names are hard to remember.

Scan your list and eliminate overly lengthy options.

Pro tip: Say names out loud to hear how they sound and flow. Shorter rolls off the tongue better.

Ensure It’s Relevant to Your Niche

Your domain name should clearly convey what you sell. If someone heard your name without context, would they guess your niche?

Abstain from any difficult-to-believe, confusing names from the running.

Test for Memorability

Is it catchy and distinct enough to stick in someone’s head? Run it by friends and see if they remember it.

Easy spelling is key too – avoid confusing homophones or elaborate spellings if possible.

Confirm It’s Legally Available

Double-check that your shortlist isn’t trademarked and that the matching .com domain is available.

Use a domain search tool and run names through the USPTO’s free TESS search through its trademark search system.

Seek Target Audience Feedback

Poll people in your ideal demographic to get unbiased opinions. See which names appeal most to their sensibilities.

Consider running a simple name-voting campaign on social media. Data straight from your audience is invaluable.

Go with Your Gut

Once you’ve done the due diligence, trust your instincts on which option feels like the perfect match.

Your favored name should align with your brand identity and elicit an emotional response. Don’t overthink it.

Choosing your dropshipping store’s name is an exciting milestone. With these evaluation filters, you’ll gain clarity in selecting the ideal name to represent your brand. Onward to secure your name.

Step 5: Optimize for Voice Search

Today’s consumers are increasingly using voice search to find products and brands.

“Hey Siri, find me some cool T-shirts.”

Optimizing your dropshipping store name for voice search gives you an SEO edge. Follow these tips:

  • Use natural phrasing with keywords – Sounds like normal speech

Ex: “ModernHomeGoods”

  • Include your niche – Clearly describe what you sell

Ex: “JeansFashionShop”

  • Make it easy to pronounce – No confusing phrases or invented words

Ex: “PetzPlace” not “XibuyuPetSupplies”

  • Avoid filler words – Cut unnecessary fluff like “the”, “store”

Ex: “GadgetWorld” not “TheGadgetStore”

  • Be concise – Long names get cut off by voice assistants
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Ex: “AutoPartsPro” not “AutoPartsAndAccessoriesProStore”

Testing your name with a voice assistant is also smart. Say your name naturally out loud. If it trips them up, it may need refinement.

Optimizing for voice positions you light-years ahead. Incorporating voice search best practices into your naming process future-proofs your brand for the voice-powered future.

With a name ready for the voice search arena, it’s time to officially secure your brand name across channels.

Step 6: Secure Your Name

The final step is cementing your fabulous new dropshipping store name across the digital landscape.

Lock it down by:

  • Registering your domain – Grab the .com immediately so it’s yours. Use a registrar like GoDaddy or Google Domains.
  • Trademark your name – File a trademark application to protect your business name and logo. The USPTO trademark filing process can be done online.
  • Set up branded social media – Create matching social media handles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
  • Make branded email – Set up a professional email with your new domain to communicate with suppliers and customers.
  • Add branding to your store – Update your Shopify or other e-commerce store with a new logo, design, etc.

Securing your branding gives you:

  • Legal ownership of your business name.
  • Consistent brand identity across channels.
  • Trust and authority with customers.
  • Protection from competitors copying your name.

It also sets you up for future growth – you’ll have the flexibility to easily expand into new areas like brick-and-mortar stores using your established brand name.

With your name locked in across digital real estate, it’s time to proudly launch your rebranded dropshipping store into the world.

Key Takeaways – How to Name Your Dropshipping Store?

The Power is in the Name“. Crafting the perfect dropshipping store name involves strategy and creativity. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you now have a proven blueprint for naming success.

Remember, your store name should:

  • Reflect your brand identity – Signals what you sell and your unique value.
  • Resonate with your audience – Appeals to their preferences.
  • Be short, simple, and catchy – Easy to remember and say.
  • Contain relevant keywords – Describe your niche for SEO.

Most importantly, your name should feel authentic to you as a founder. Let it become a rallying cry as you build your dropshipping empire.

As your business grows, a stellar name provides continuity. It creates instant recognition for your brand when stenciled on packaging, printed on swag, and marketed across channels.

So take your time, do it right, and the perfect selection will become synonymous with the products and services you provide.

Let’s wrap up with answers to some common questions about “How to Name Your Dropshipping Store?”.

FAQs – How to Name Your Dropshipping Store?

How do I incorporate keywords into my dropshipping store name?

Focus on 1-2 essential keywords that describe your niche. Avoid keyword stuffing. You can also use related descriptors and synonyms.

What if I can’t get the exact domain I want?

Try adding words like “store”, “shop”, “boutique” or abbreviations. Some alternatives may be just as good.

How much does it cost to trademark a name?

In the US, it costs $225-275 (approx) to file a trademark application. There are additional costs if you use an attorney.

Can I change my dropshipping store name later?

You can, but it’s a major hassle once your brand is established. Thoroughly vet options now before committing.

Hello, I’m Samuel, and I’ve been in the dropshipping business for the past 9 years. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of helping many novice dropshippers grow their businesses. Based on my experience, I’ve launched this blog to share my insights and knowledge with the dropshipper community.

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