How to Add Products from CJ Dropshipping to Shopify?

Are you willing to leverage platforms like Shopify and CJ Dropshipping to launch your successful online stores, but you do not have an idea of “How to Add Products from CJ Dropshipping to Shopify?” Then stay tuned.

Getting started with CJ Dropshipping on Shopify can feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to begin.

That’s where this guide comes in. My goal is to walk you through the entire process, step-by-step, in a way that’s easy to understand.

We’ll cover everything:

  • Setting up your CJ Dropshipping account.
  • Connecting CJ Dropshipping to your Shopify store.
  • Importing products from the CJ catalog to your store.
  • Managing inventory and tracking orders.
  • Customizing your product listings.
  • Optimizing your store for maximum sales

Even if you’re completely new to dropshipping, you’ll learn how to leverage the powerful combination of Shopify and CJ Dropshipping to launch an e-commerce business.

So get ready to become a dropshipping pro. I’ll be sharing plenty of tips and tricks along the way to help you get results.

Let’s dive in.

How to Add Products from CJ Dropshipping to Shopify

Article Contents

Benefits of using CJ Dropshipping with Shopify

How to Add Products from CJ Dropshipping to Shopify

Shopify and CJ Dropshipping make an incredibly powerful combination for running an e-commerce business. Let’s look at some of the key reasons you should consider using CJ Dropshipping for your Shopify store:

Access to a Wide Product Range

CJ Dropshipping gives you access to an absolutely massive catalog of products. Over 10 million SKUs across hundreds of product categories.

Whether you sell jewelry, home goods, pet supplies, beauty products, or anything else, you’ll find tons of options to import to your Shopify store.

This selection means you can constantly test new products to see which goes best with your target audience. Find winning products faster.

Reliable and Fast Shipping

Forget waiting weeks or even months for inventory to arrive from overseas suppliers. CJ Dropshipping ships most orders within 1-4 days from warehouses based in the US and other countries like the UK, Australia, and Canada.

Your customers will love the fast delivery times.

Order Fulfillment is Handled by CJ

Once an order comes in, you simply pass the info to CJ Dropshipping and they’ll handle the rest. That includes:

  • Picking, packing, and shipping the order.
  • Providing tracking information.
  • Managing returns and exchanges.

This makes the entire order fulfillment process hands-off for you as the store owner.

Seamless Platform Integration

The CJ Dropshipping app fully integrates with your Shopify store. Product info, inventory, and orders sync automatically between the two platforms.

You don’t have to worry about manually transferring data back and forth. The integration streamlines your workflows and saves tons of time.

Powerful Order and Inventory Management Tools

Within the CJ Dropshipping platform, you have access to robust tools for managing your inventory and tracking order status.

These include:

  • Real-time inventory tracking.
  • Bulk order processing.
  • Automated order status updates.
  • Customizable dispatch settings.

Running your dropshipping business becomes so much easier with these great management features.

As you can see, CJ Dropshipping pairs incredibly well with Shopify to provide a full-service dropshipping solution. You get easy product sourcing, fast shipping, order automation, and powerful management tools.

Setting up your CJ Dropshipping account

Before we can dive into importing products and connecting CJ Dropshipping to Shopify, you first need to create your CJ Dropshipping account.

It only takes a few minutes, so let’s quickly walk through the steps:

Step 1: Register for Your Account

Go to and click on the “Join Free” button.

You’ll be prompted to enter your email and create a password. Make sure you use an email you can access. You’ll need to verify it in the next step.

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Step 2: Verify Your Email

Check your inbox for a verification code email from CJ Dropshipping. It should arrive within a couple of minutes.

Enter the 6-digit verification code on the CJ Dropshipping website to confirm your email.

Step 3: Complete Your Profile

After verifying your email, you’ll be asked to complete your profile by providing some basic info including:

CJ Dropshipping supports major platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and eBay.

You’ll also be asked about your estimated order volume so CJ Dropshipping can prepare enough inventory.

Step 4: Explore the Platform

Once your account is activated, take some time to get familiar with the CJ Dropshipping platform. Navigate to the main sections:

  • Product Catalog – Browse products or use advanced filters to find items in your niche.
  • My CJ – Manage account settings and connect to your Shopify store.
  • Support – View documentation guides or submit support tickets.

Step 5: Install Browser Extensions

CJ Dropshipping offers browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox that make it easier to import products or track pricing.

I highly recommend installing one of these extensions to save time:

  • AutoDS – Bulk import products, sync tracking numbers, etc.
  • Dropified – Price tracking, product research tools

And that’s it. With your CJ Dropshipping account created, you can now move on to connecting it to your Shopify store.

The setup process is quick and easy. CJ Dropshipping makes it free to open an account with no monthly fees. You only pay per order fulfilled.

Next up, we’ll walk through linking CJ Dropshipping to Shopify and importing your first products.

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Connecting CJ Dropshipping to your Shopify store:

Now that your CJ Dropshipping account is ready to go, it’s time to connect it to Shopify so you can start importing products.

Let’s walk through the simple steps to link up CJ Dropshipping and Shopify:

Step 1: Create Your Shopify Store

If you don’t already have a Shopify store, you’ll need to set one up. It’s a quick and easy process:

  • Go to and click “Start your free trial”.
  • Choose a store name, create an account password, and enter your email.
  • Select the standard Shopify plan for $29/month.
  • Enter your credit card details to set up billing.

And your new Shopify store is ready. You can now install apps and customize things further.

Step 2: Install the CJ Dropshipping App

Head over to the Shopify App Store and search for “CJ Dropshipping. Install the official CJ Dropshipping app.

The app will allow syncing between CJ Dropshipping and Shopify.

Step 3: Authorize the Connection

Once installed, open the CJ Dropshipping app in your Shopify dashboard.

You’ll see a prompt to connect your CJ Dropshipping account. Enter your CJ account login credentials here to authorize the integration.

Step 4: Sync Your Catalog

After entering your credentials, the CJ Dropshipping app will automatically sync your product catalog from CJ into your Shopify store.

This can take a little while depending on your catalog size. Once complete, you’ll have all your CJ Dropshipping products ready to sell in Shopify.

Customizing Your Store

Before you launch your store, take some time to customize things like:

  • Store design – Pick a theme, add branding, and customize colors.
  • Payment settings – Select payment providers, currencies, and shipping zones.
  • Pages – Add an About page, Shipping Policy, Refund Policy, etc..

Make it look professional so customers trust your business.

Adding Logo and Branding

Branding your store helps establish trust and credibility. Be sure to:

  • Pick a logo that represents your brand.
  • Add branding colors and fonts for a consistent look.
  • Display your logo prominently throughout your store.

Optimizing SEO

It’s also important to optimize your store for SEO best practices:

  • Write targeted title tags and meta descriptions so your pages show up in search engines.
  • Include your main product category or brand keywords throughout your site copy.
  • Create blog posts interlinking important pages like product categories or the home page.

This will help customers find your new store online.

Once your Shopify store design is ready, it’s time to start importing products from CJ Dropshipping.

Up next we’ll walk through adding products to your store.

Importing and Managing Products

Now for the fun part – importing products to your Shopify store. CJ Dropshipping makes it easy to quickly add products from their catalog.

Let’s go through the steps:

Finding Products to Import

Start by browsing or searching the CJ Dropshipping catalog to find products you want to add to your store. You can:

  • Filter by product category or niche.
  • Sort by number of orders, reviews, or trending status.
  • Search for specific product names or keywords.
  • Use the image search tool to find similar products.

Focus on products aligned with your store niche that have good reviews and existing sales data. This helps pick winners.

Adding Products to Your Import List

Once you find a product to import, open the product page on CJ Dropshipping and click “Add to Import List” near the top right.

This will add the product to your import list inside Shopify. Do this for all the items you want to import.

Importing Products to Your Shopify Store

When your import list is ready, head over to your Shopify dashboard. Open the CJ Dropshipping app and navigate to the “Import List” section.

Click the “Import to Store” button. The app will now import all products on your list to your Shopify store.

The import process can take a little while depending on how many products you added.

Editing and Optimizing Your Product Listings

Once imported, you can customize each product listing in your Shopify store:

  • Edit titles and descriptions.
  • Add higher-quality images.
  • Set pricing and compare to competitors.
  • Select collections and tags.
  • Enable inventory tracking.

Optimize each listing to maximize sales.

Managing Inventory

As orders come in, CJ Dropshipping will automatically update inventory levels for you.

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But you can also proactively manage inventory inside your Shopify dashboard:

  • View real-time inventory numbers for each product.
  • Get notified when inventory is running low.
  • Temporarily hide out-of-stock products from your store.

This prevents overselling and keeps customers happy.

Processing and Tracking Orders

When an order is placed through your Shopify store, the details will sync automatically to CJ Dropshipping via API.

Inside your CJ account, you can:

  • View pending orders and process them.
  • Print shipping labels and packing slips.
  • Track order status and delivery progress.
  • Send tracking info back to Shopify to update customers.

Streamlining order management and tracking keeps your customers satisfied.

And that’s the full process from importing products to managing orders and inventory. By leveraging CJ Dropshipping and Shopify, you remove so much manual effort while scaling your e-commerce business.

Next up, we’ll explore how to take your Shopify store to the next level by optimizing for sales and conversions.

Optimizing Your Shopify Store with CJ Dropshipping

Now that your products are imported, let’s look at some ways to optimize your Shopify store for higher conversions and sales.

CJ Dropshipping’s features integrate seamlessly with Shopify to help you enhance your customer experience.

Custom Branded Packaging

Make your brand stand out by adding custom packaging. With CJ Dropshipping you can:

  • Submit your logo and design assets.
  • Select products to apply branding to.
  • Have CJ Dropshipping handle printing and fulfillment.

Branded packaging builds familiarity and trust with your customers.

Enhanced Product Content

Leverage CJ Dropshipping’s professional photography and videography to make your product pages shine:

  • Submit your product specs and details.
  • CJ’s team will photograph or film your products.
  • Display stunning product images and videos in your Shopify store.

This high-quality content can boost conversions significantly.

Optimized Page Speed

With CJ Dropshipping fulfilling your orders, your Shopify store won’t have to deal with large multi-MB (large sized) product images that slow down load times.

Instead, you can display smaller optimized images to keep your site blazing fast. Quick page loads equal more sales.

Better Branded Tracking Pages

When customers receive tracking info from branded shipping carriers like DHL, they feel more assured compared to generic tracking links. CJ Dropshipping enables branded tracking for a professional look.

Enhanced Trust Factors

From custom packaging to branded tracking, CJ Dropshipping helps improve multiple trust signals for your shoppers:

  • Familiar branded shippers.
  • Consistent brand packaging.
  • High-quality product content.

Strengthening trust is key for boosting conversions.

Streamlined Order Management

The integrated order workflow between CJ Dropshipping and Shopify enables seamless tracking and updates.

Customers can easily monitor order status without you needing to handle fulfillment. This convenience often leads to higher sales.

Granular Analytics

CJ Dropshipping provides detailed analytics on your imported products including views, adds-to-cart, purchases, ratings, and more.

Leverage these insights to identify your top sellers and optimize accordingly.

By taking advantage of CJ Dropshipping’s capabilities, you can create a polished, customer-focused experience that maximizes sales.

Tips for Success with CJ Dropshipping

How to Add Products from CJ Dropshipping to Shopify

Now that you know how to connect CJ Dropshipping to your Shopify store, let’s go over some tips to maximize your success:

Optimize Your Product Selection

Carefully curate your imported products based on trends, demand, and profitability potential. Analyze CJ Dropshipping’s sales data and reviews to pick likely winners in your niche.

Focus on High Margin Products

Prioritize products with a healthy markup between the CJ Dropshipping price and your retail price on Shopify. Higher margins mean more profit per sale.

Experiment with Pricing

Try raising and lowering prices on some products to find the optimal price point. Set prices to end in .95 or .99 for psychological influence.

Promote New Product Launches

When launching new products, create promotions like “Limited quantity” or “discounts” to generate buzz. Promote launches on social media and email.

Run Retargeting Ads

Remarket to visitors who browsed your products but didn’t purchase. Retargeting helps convert abandoning visitors into buyers.

Offer Free Shipping

Consider absorbing shipping costs on larger orders over a threshold like $50. Free shipping can incentivize bigger purchases.

Send Follow-up Emails

Automate post-purchase emails to thank customers and offer support. This builds loyalty for repeat business.

Monitor Trends

Keep an eye on your niche by browsing best-sellers on marketplaces like Amazon. Get in on popular things before too many others do.

Leveraging these tips will boost conversions and help your e-commerce business thrive.

Additional Tips for Maximizing Sales

Connecting CJ Dropshipping to your Shopify store is just the first step. To really maximize sales, you need to leverage strategic tactics to boost conversions.

Let’s go over some powerful ways to increase sales:

Choose Trending Products

Analyze CJ Dropshipping’s trending products dashboard to spot rising stars in your niche. Riding trends early helps you capitalize before the competition catches on.

Optimize Your Pricing Strategy

Use CJ’s price comparison tool to see the retail price range for products. Price yours competitively but leave room for discounts and promotions.

Offer Sitewide Sales

Running periodic sales like “20% off storewide” or “Free shipping over $50” incentivizes larger order values. Just don’t overdo it.

Set Up Bundled Product Offers

Encourage customers to buy multiple complementary products by bundling them with a bundled discount. This increases order values.

Create Strong Upsell/Cross-sell Offers

Prompt customers to purchase additional products on the checkout or product pages with smart cross-sell promotions.

Gather Customer Reviews

Positive reviews boost conversion rates by establishing social proof and trust. Reach out to buyers to politely ask for reviews.

Implement Retargeting Ads

Remarketing to visitors who previously browsed helps bring back shoppers who didn’t initially purchase.

Continuously Test and Refine Your Pricing

Use A/B testing to experiment with adjusting prices up or down to find the sweet spot for profit margins.

With the right mix of promotions, product selection, and marketing, you can significantly boost your Shopify store’s sales and ROI.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

CJ Dropshipping and Shopify usually work well together, but sometimes you might face small problems. Here are some troubleshooting tips for common problems:

Syncing Errors

If product data or orders aren’t syncing properly between CJ and Shopify, try reauthorizing the app connection. Log out and log back into your CJ account via the Shopify app.

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Inventory Mismatches

If inventory numbers are inaccurate between platforms, go to CJ’s tools and force a full inventory sync to overwrite Shopify’s counts.

Import Failures

If imports stall or fail, there may be size/variant mismatches. Try splitting the import into smaller batches to isolate the problematic products.

Packaging Issues

For custom branding/packaging problems, reach out to CJ Dropshipping support to troubleshoot your logo image files or packaging selections.

Slow Site Speed

If your Shopify site loads slowly, compress images or switch to thumbnail placeholders with plugins like Debutify to optimize speed.

Limited Tracking Info

To provide better delivery transparency, enable detailed tracking in your CJ account settings and install an app like AfterShip.

Other Technical Issues

For any other issues, first, check for updates to the CJ Dropshipping Shopify app in case a new version fixes bugs.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to CJ Dropshipping or Shopify support teams if you can’t resolve something on your own. They’re happy to help troubleshoot.

Key Takeaways – How to Add Products from CJ Dropshipping to Shopify?

After reading this comprehensive guide, you should now be a pro at using CJ Dropshipping with your Shopify store.

Let’s recap the key takeaways:

  • CJ Dropshipping gives you access to millions of products to import into your Shopify store.
  • It provides fast shipping from warehouses based in the US, UK, Australia and other countries.
  • Order fulfillment and shipping are handled completely by CJ Dropshipping.
  • The integration between CJ and Shopify enables automatic syncing of products, inventory, and orders.
  • You can easily import products from CJ Dropshipping’s catalog into your Shopify store.
  • Powerful tools allow you to manage inventory, process orders, and track status.
  • Optimizing your Shopify store with branded packaging, quality content, and streamlined workflows results in better conversions.
  • Following best practices like smart product selection, promotions, and marketing helps maximize sales.
  • Technical issues can be quickly troubleshot by reauthorizing connections, updating apps, and reaching out for support.

By leveraging CJ Dropshipping and Shopify together, you remove so much manual work while creating a smooth customer experience.

I hope this guide provided tremendous value and equipped you to build a successful dropshipping business.

Let’s wrap up with answers to some common questions about “How to Add Products from CJ Dropshipping to Shopify?”.

FAQs – How to Add Products from CJ Dropshipping to Shopify?

What are the main benefits of using CJ Dropshipping?

The key benefits of CJ Dropshipping include:
-Access to a huge product catalog with over 10 million SKUs to choose from
-Fast shipping from warehouses located around the globe
-CJ Dropshipping handles fulfillment and shipping for you
-Integration with Shopify to sync products, inventory, and orders
-Powerful tools for managing inventory, tracking shipments, and more
-Ability to create custom-branded packaging and enhanced product content
-Increased customer trust and conversion rates

How much does it cost to use CJ Dropshipping?

CJ Dropshipping offers free registration for an account. There are no monthly subscription fees.

You only pay per order fulfilled, with bulk pricing starting at $2.99 per order including product cost, shipping, and services. So it’s very affordable.

How long does it take to connect CJ Dropshipping to Shopify?

The initial setup process to connect your CJ Dropshipping account to Shopify takes around 5-10 minutes.

You’ll need to register for a CJ account, install their Shopify app, authorize the connection, and sync your product catalog.

Once connected, any additional product imports or order syncs happen automatically in the background.

Can I import products in bulk from CJ Dropshipping?

Yes, CJ Dropshipping enables bulk product imports into your Shopify store.

You can use their browser extensions like AutoDS to extract product URLs from the CJ website en masse.

Or you can upload CSV files containing product links for bulk import. This saves a ton of time versus manual imports.

How do I customize product listings imported from CJ Dropshipping?

In your Shopify dashboard, open any product imported from CJ Dropshipping and edit the title, description, images, pricing, compare prices, variants, and other details to tailor it to your brand and customers.

You have full control to optimize the listings for higher conversions and sales.

Does CJ Dropshipping handle order fulfillment automatically?

Yes, once an order comes into your Shopify store, the order details are automatically sent to CJ Dropshipping via API integration.
CJ Dropshipping handles fulfillment from their global warehouses.

This includes picking, packing, shipping, returns, and more.

You simply manage the orders inside your CJ account.

How can I track inventory with CJ Dropshipping?

CJ Dropshipping syncs real-time inventory counts directly into your Shopify store.

You can view current quantities for each product in your Shopify dashboard.

There are also options to get notified for low inventory, out-of-stock thresholds, and other triggers.

What shipping methods does CJ Dropshipping offer?

CJ Dropshipping provides a wide array of shipping options including:
Royal Mail
AliExpress Standard Shipping
Cainiao Super Economy Global and more

This flexibility allows you to choose the right shipping method per product.

How do I optimize my Shopify store with CJ Dropshipping?

Tips for optimizing your Shopify store include:

-Adding custom-branded packaging
-Using CJ’s professional product photos/videos
-Promoting fast shipping times
-Displaying positive customer reviews
-Offering promotions like free shipping or discounts
-Creating strong upsell/cross-sell offers
-Building email lists and automating flows
-Retargeting visitors with ads
-Tracking sales data to refine your strategy

What steps should I take to maximize sales with CJ Dropshipping?

To maximize sales, make sure to:

-Carefully select trending and high-demand products
-Price competitively but with healthy profit margins-
-Market your store and products across channels
-Offer promotions and sales periodically
-Get customer feedback and reviews
-Provide excellent customer service
-Analyze sales data to optimize your product selection and pricing
-Stay on top of e-commerce trends and best practices

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Hello, I’m Samuel, and I’ve been in the dropshipping business for the past 9 years. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of helping many novice dropshippers grow their businesses. Based on my experience, I’ve launched this blog to share my insights and knowledge with the dropshipper community.

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