Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping – Which Business Model is BEST for You?

So you want to start an online business but can’t decide whether you should sell stuff yourself or let Amazon handle everything behind the scenes? 

These days there are two popular options to generate big sales: Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) and Dropshipping. Both models have some clear advantages and downsides to weigh.

In this no-fluff “Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping” guide I’ll explain the key differences, outline the main pros and cons, and reveal which approach is better in 2024 and beyond. 

As a bonus – we’ll also tell you how to start a business with both Amazon FBA and dropshipping – along with killer tips for setting up a profitable e-commerce store from home.

Unlike other dense articles out there, I promise we’ll explore this fun topic in a simple, digestible way. 

Let’s dive in. 

The aim is to help you figure out as an inspirational e-commerce seller, whether you should choose to jump into the deep-end Amazon FBA model or first dip your toes with flexible dropshipping. 

Either way, exciting possibilities await. Let’s start unpacking this step-by-step.

Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping

Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping – Key Takeaways

  • Amazon FBA allows selling through Amazon’s platform and leveraging their infrastructure, but requires more upfront investment.
  • Dropshipping enables an asset-light e-commerce model by using supplier networks to ship products but has lower margins.
  • FBA offloads fulfillment workload for easier scaling, while dropshipping is more flexible for testing products.
  • There’s no definitively “better” option – the right e-commerce model depends on your goals, skills, funding, and risk appetite.
  • Many sellers start with dropshipping to validate product demand before expanding winners through Amazon FBA for infrastructure benefits.
  • Building a brand focused on excellent customer service is vital to success in either model.
  • Leveraging advertising and marketing well is crucial when launching an FBA or dropshipping business to drive early traction.

The key is matching the e-commerce approach to your specific situation – and being willing to adapt over time. Testing demand before over-committing unlocks the best of both models.

What is Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping

Fulfillment by Amazon or FBA refers to a service where Amazon handles key parts of your e-commerce store for you. Your business offloads the fulfillment work and cost to Amazon, so you can focus on other areas like sales and marketing.

How Amazon FBA works:

  • Send your inventory to one of Amazon’s massive fulfillment centers
  • When a customer orders a product, Amazon performs all fulfillment steps:
  • they pick, pack, and ship your order
  • handle customer service for the delivery
  • send the order details back to you
  • Customer orders ship in Amazon packaging, boosting credibility

You handle:

  • Pick a product to sell
  • Find or manufacture your inventory
  • Set up your Amazon seller account
  • Marketing, sales, and product research

Amazon handles ALL the rest.

Who is FBA suited for? 

FBA works best for:

  • those wanting to sell market-proven goods like textbooks, bike racks or board games
  • entrepreneurs who value their time and sanity 
  • anyone who wants success without learning the logistics ropes
  • those seeking low-risk to start an e-commerce business
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Will you try delegating to Amazon? 

Hopefully, this overview gives you a clear sense of how the Amazon FBA service functions and who stands to benefit most from it. 

Pros of Amazon FBA 

Let’s unpack why FBA is so popular for entrepreneurs:

  • Access Amazon’s infrastructure & 300 million customers. Instant potential to scale sales
  • Faster shipping  – Prime delivery builds trust and conversions
  • Higher profit margins  – Amazon handles fulfillment costs
  • Increased credibility  – The Amazon brand provides authority
  • Focus on design & marketing  – Outsource the logistics headaches.
  • Easy returns process  – Amazon handles exchanges and refunds
  • Storage & inventory management  – Don’t worry about warehousing

For many sellers, offloading fulfillment to Amazon is a big win in terms of convenience and letting the platform do the heavy lifting. 

Cons of Amazon FBA 

However, FBA isn’t all rainbows. Here are the potential drawbacks:

  • Expensive fees  – Amazon charges for storage, shipping, and selling
  • Limited brand control  – Can’t customize packaging or inserts
  • Account risks – Policy violations can get you shut down
  • Fierce competition  – Standing out is hard with so many sellers
  • Complex reimbursement system – Errors and claims damage profits
  • Volume-focused – Works best for high-quantity inventory
  • Shipping delays  – Amazon prioritizes itself during busy times

As you can see, FBA solves a lot of problems but brings some of its own. Evaluate if the pros outweigh potential issues for your biz.

Also READ:

What is Dropshipping? 

Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping

Dropshipping allows you to sell cool products online without ever handling the inventory yourself. Instead, you partner with a supplier or manufacturer that ships orders directly to your customers on your behalf. 

How Dropshipping Works

  • Find awesome products to sell in your online store
  • List them for sale (usually marked up from supplier cost)
  • The customer places an order & payment with you
  • You place an order with the supplier and provide customer shipping details
  • Supplier ships product directly from their warehouse
  • You keep the profit margin from the sale.

So essentially you’re a middleman between the vendor and buyer. The supplier does all the physical work while you focus on digital marketing and customer acquisition

Who’s Dropshipping For?

Dropshipping suits:

  • Aspiring entrepreneurs with limited startup capital 
  • People lacking their own storage space or product inventory 
  • Those still testing product-market fit before full manufacturing
  • Anyone who values flexibility and simplicity in their business 
  • People focused more on design, branding & selling vs shipping 

You can run this simple e-commerce model from anywhere with an internet connection. It allows online retail without huge upfront risks or logistical hassles.

Pros of Dropshipping 

Let’s dive into why dropshipping is so popular nowadays. 

  • Low startup costs  – Avoid buying inventory upfront
  • Easy to launch  – Get started fast without huge risks
  • No warehousing needs  – Suppliers handle storage and shipping
  • Wide product selection  – Add new goods instantly.
  • Flexible model  – Pivot offerings easily based on sales
  • Less workload  – Avoid complex logistics management
  • Sell globally  – Offer worldwide delivery via suppliers

For new entrepreneurs or small brands, handling fulfillment can get complex fast. But dropshipping makes things simple. 

Cons of Dropshipping 

However, some drawbacks exist too:

  • Low profit margins  – Middleman model cuts into profits
  • Quality control issues  – Can’t directly verify product condition
  • Shipping delays  – Reliant on separate suppliers
  • Lack of distinction  – Harder to differentiate offerings
  • Customer service falls on you  – Supplier issues become your headache
  • Inventory inaccuracies  – Stock level errors and overselling items

So dropshipping solves a ton of headaches but brings some of its own. Do the pros outweigh the cons for your needs? Do some digging to decide. 

Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping: How Do The Models Compare? 

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s pit FBA and dropshipping head to head-across some key factors:

Investment Costs 

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Dropshipping is more attractive for new entrepreneurs with limited funding.

Profit Potential 

  • FBA offers higher margins because Amazon handles fulfillment costs
  • Dropshipping has thinner margins due to playing middleman

FBA lets sellers keep more money per sale after Amazon takes its cut.


  • FBA offloads fulfillment tasks so sellers focus on marketing, branding, etc
  • Dropshipping puts order logistics on suppliers but customer service falls to you

FBA reduces overall workload significantly by leveraging Amazon’s infrastructure.

Risk Factors 

  • FBA has a risk of suspensions, policy changes, etc
  • Dropshipping relies on suppliers for product quality and shipping

FBA carries more account stability risks while dropshipping brings supplier uncertainty.

The choice depends on your personal preferences, skills, and risk appetite. 

But this table summarizes the core differences:

Cost to StartHigh CostLow Cost
Profit MarginHigh MarginLow Margin
WorkloadLight WorkloadHeavy Workload
Risk LevelHigh RiskModerate Risk

Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping SWOT Analysis 

Let’s break down the critical strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of both e-commerce models:

Amazon FBA SWOT Analysis 


  • Global scale – Taps into Amazon’s distribution reach
  • Trust & authority – Ride on Amazon’s reputation
  • Cost efficiency – Leverages existing infrastructure
  • Prime eligibility – Faster shipping bolsters conversions


  • Little brand control – Can’t customize packaging etc
  • Account instability – Risk of sudden suspension
  • Competitive intensity – Crowded seller environment


  • New product lines – Expand to complementary goods
  • International expansion – Sell across Amazon marketplaces
  • Exclusive deals – Negotiate unique wholesale pricing


  • Fee hikes – Cost creep erodes margins over time
  • Rule changes – Policy updates can sink strategies
  • Alternative models – Other forms of e-commerce gain share

Dropshipping SWOT Analysis


  • Low investment – Minimal upfront costs
  • Nimble adaptation – Adjust quickly to market signals
  • Inventory flexibility – Add/remove products easily


  • Quality uncertainty – Reliant on suppliers
  • Customer ownership – Issues out of your control
  • Low distinction – Harder to differentiate


  • Automation – Streamline order processes
  • Niche focus – Corner-specific product spaces
  • CRM – Improve post-purchase experience


  • Market saturation – More players entering the space
  • Wholesaler priorities – Suppliers focus on their channels
  • Shipping inflation – Rising postal service costs

Hope this gives you a balanced perspective on the situational pros, cons, upside opportunities, and lurking threats associated with each model.

Deciding Between FBA vs. Dropshipping For Your Business 

We’ve covered a ton of ground comparing these two popular e-commerce models. Now let’s discuss how to pick the right approach based on your situation.

Consider Startup Costs 

If cash is tight, dropshipping allows you to test ideas and validate demand before major inventory investments. But if you have capital to allocate upfront, FBA can accelerate growth and scale.

Ask yourself:

  • How much can I afford to invest at this stage?
  • Does my product have proven market viability?

Evaluate Your E-commerce Skills 

Your existing expertise should guide which model to pick.

  • Are you more of a marketer and relationship builder? Then leverage suppliers via dropshipping.
  • Do operations and complex system management play to your strengths? FBA outsourcing may suit you better.

Assess Product Market Fit 

Also consider factors like:

  • Does my product concept align with Amazon’s best-selling merchandise?
  • Can I identify quality dropshipping suppliers that provide this item?

There’s little benefit going through Amazon if your products don’t fit the platform.

Factor In Business Goals and Risk Tolerance 

Finally, connect decisions back to your core objectives and appetite for uncertainty:

  • Are you playing a long-term, brand-building game? Or trying to achieve short-term profitability?
  • Are you comfortable relying on an external service like FBA vs. owning more control?

Align your choice to strategic aims and personal preferences.

Doing this introspection before committing to a direction will give your e-commerce venture the best chance to maximize success. 

Getting Started: Launching Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping 

Now that we’ve explored the pros, cons, and situational factors of each model – let’s talk about getting up and running fast.

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Steps to Launch an Amazon FBA Business 

  • Pick a niche and product to sell that fits FBA – Choose competitively, but avoid oversaturation
  • Register as an Amazon seller & set up your account – There are individual and professional tiers
  • Secure UPCs and create product listings – Provide images, descriptions & search optimization
  • Decide where to source inventory & order stock – Use Amazon itself or specialized wholesalers
  • Prep products to ship to Amazon – Properly label with FNSKUs and pack items
  • Send inventory to Amazon – They will store it in their fulfillment centers once checked in
  • Drive traffic, rank your listings & handle marketingAdvertise to hit the ground running.
  • Order, ship, and handle returns via FBA – Let Amazon delight customers end-to-end
  • Analyze metrics & refine – Tweak based on order volumes, conversions, etc

It takes strategic work to launch any business – but FBA massively simplifies logistics.

Steps to Start a Dropshipping Business 

  • Select niche & research winning products – Validate consumer demand first
  • Build an appealing online storefront – Important for credibility & conversions
  • Set up supplier accounts – Establish relationships with manufacturers/wholesalers
  • Create great product listing pages – Write compelling copy & show visuals
  • Promote your store & items through marketing – Content, digital ads & influencers
  • Receive orders & buy goods from your suppliers – They handle shipping to customers
  • Provide amazing customer service – Build loyalty and your brand
  • Scale items performing well – Expand inventory on fast-selling products

Dropshipping shifts fulfillment workload to partners – letting you focus on digital growth.

Hope this gives you a game plan to hit the ground running with both FBA and dropshipping models

The Bottom Line: Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping ⁠- Which is Better?

We’ve covered a lot exploring Amazon FBA and dropshipping models.

To wrap up:

FBA enables selling products through Amazon’s mammoth platform. It requires significant capital investment but then leverages its infrastructure, trust, and huge customer base while you steer the ship.

Dropshipping offers an asset-light retail alternative by piggybacking on supplier networks. You sacrifice margins as the middleman but gain low startup costs and inventory flexibility – controlling front-end brand experience.

So which approach wins out?

That depends on your personal risk tolerance, product niche, and business stage.

But here is my recommendation: Start with dropshipping to validate product-market fit with limited financial exposure. Once de-risked, expand the winners via FBA for supply chain control and profit optimization.

This hybrid model gives you the best of both worlds – market testing before investing big.

A few parting tips:

  • Find red-hot product niches before going all in
  • Obsess over providing epic customer service
  • Master Facebook & Amazon PPC ads to gain traction

Hope this guide brought clarity regarding the good, the bad, and the opportunity potential with Amazon FBA and dropshipping pathways.

FAQs on Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping

Should I register an LLC to sell on Amazon FBA?

Yes, registering an LLC can provide personal liability protection and tax advantages ideal for higher-volume FBA businesses. As your company scales, an LLC helps formalize operations.

Can I use both FBA and dropshipping?

Absolutely. Many sellers use a hybrid model, dropshipping niche goods while leveraging FBA for best-selling staples. This provides flexibility to test new products while optimizing profitability on proven offerings.

How much money do I need to start FBA or dropshipping?

Dropshipping can start with just a few hundred dollars. But FBA requires $1,000-$5,000 to buy enough inventory to unlock volume discounts and cover Amazon fees. Expect higher startup costs for FBA.

Should I choose Shopify or another platform for dropshipping?

Shopify is the most popular cart solution for dropshipping – it lets you quickly launch a polished online storefront while integrating with top suppliers like Oberlo. Shopify simplifies implementation.

How long does it take to start making money?

With rigorous customer acquisition and tight operations, early sales can happen in just 1-2 months for dropshipping and FBA. However, 6-12 months is more typical to build sustainable momentum. Patience and hustle are required either way.

The article on Amazon FBA vs. Dropshipping has wrapped up. I hope you found it interesting. Thanks for your visit.

Hello, I’m Samuel, and I’ve been in the dropshipping business for the past 9 years. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of helping many novice dropshippers grow their businesses. Based on my experience, I’ve launched this blog to share my insights and knowledge with the dropshipper community.

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